
Black Templar vs World Eaters

 Warhammer 40k 8th edition 

Hi all yesterday we had two very nice games of 40k. 

Traitor Guard + world eaters vs Black Templar (750pts each)

Traitor Guard had 

Battalion Detachment (Renegaids and Heretics) 
2x Renegade commanders 
2x 10 Renegade cultists (catachans xaxa) with Hv Stuber
1x 10 Renegade cultists (catachans xaxa) with flamer

Patrol detachment (World eaters) 
1x Exalted Champion
1x 7 Khorne Berzerkers (champion with power fist)
1x 5 Raptors (champion with Power fist)
1x Rhino 

Super - Heavy aux detachment (Chaos Knight) 
1x war dog 

The Black Templar had 

Battalion Detachment 
1x Emperors Champion
1x Captain 
1x Dreadnought (fist + Melta) 
1x Rhino
3x 5 Crusader squads (with hv weapon each)
1x 5 Crusader squad (with more close combat weapons)
1x 5 Terminators 

The first game was take and hold from the rule book. 

My opponent advanced up to the center of the table with the dreadnought the rhino and the cc squad while the others fired away at me.

I also pressed forward with everything. 

a firefight started and many of my renegades started getting killed.

and by the time i reached the center building which had an objective in it the Templar were in it and had the objective 

The War dog was taking shots at the dreadnought and rhino with its guns and managed some good damage on the dreadnought while the black Templar lascannons and missile launcher could not hit home.


in the end the Chaos space marines got out of the rhino and charged the center building killing all of the Templar in it.
The terminators came in to late to do anything apart from killing a squad of Traitors. 

The Second game was a re mach in which we changed scenario and Black Templar's changed the list a bit  (No dreadnought more space marines)

The only thing that I remember (have picks of) is one renegade commander fighting it out vs 4 Terminators in a house. He lasted for 2 turns (for 25pts that is amazing)



The second thing is a loaded rhino getting charged by Chaos space Marines.

In the end the Traitors won both games



Hi All

Had 2 very nice games of ADLG on Saturday

First up was a battle for the club tournament we are running.

My three kingdom Koreans vs Vikings

My List 
Ordinary included commander unreliable
1x hv cav impact elite
1x hv cav impact
1x Med cav impact
2x LH bow

Competent commander
2x Hvf pike
3x Hvf Sw/2hw
2x Mf sw/2hw mediocre
2x Lf bow

Competent commander CinC
3x Cataphract
4x Mf spear/cb
1x LF bow
2x Mf bow mediocre

1x Lh bow 

As my opponent had mostly (only 2 cav) infantry he set up in a line of Heavy foot with some MF on the one side and planned to move forwards.

From my side I set up 2 commands opposite to him and the 3rd (as small cav command) went on a flank move (they entered on turn 3 J ).

The two main points of the battle was the side my cav came in and the other flank where the MF faced off against Cataphracts.

In the end I won having suffered some losses in the middle.

The second game was vs Abbasid Arab

I made a mistake in the set up and my small cav command was put in the wrong side.

Further to that I rolled 1s on the first roll and could not redeploy them in time.

My opponent being very good would and did not forgive that.

My Koreans did what they could but the loss of the whole command did not help.

In the end we broke taking many  of the Abbasids with us to the grave.

18/22 for tha Abbasids - 25/25 for the Koreans 


Pulp Alley AAR 

Hi all
I had the rules for some years but had not been able to play the game until now (and 2nd edition is coming). 
So I took my solo deck made two teams (Good vs Bad)

Both teams were built about the same size:
3-4 allies
2-4 followers
The figures I used were WW2 Germans with some native Africans vs asciri, colonial hunters, and Arab riflemen.

Picked smash and grab scenario put some terrain and started.

The game was very nice, fun and quick.

The solo deck was very interesting and the game move smoothly with it.
In the end the good won 

I will be running another game soon