Hi All
Today I had a very nice game of MEG Maximus
My Syracusans vs Later republican Roman
My list was comprised of 7 Tugs of Hoplites, 2
Tugs of Gallic, 1 Tug of Italian Mercenaries, 1 Tug of Greek Cavalry and an
Ally Numidian (1 Tug,2 Sugs)
My opponent had 2 Tugs Exceptional Legion, 4
Tugs Sup legion, 4 Tugs Average Legion (He had no horse)
I out scouted my opponent.
I sent the Numidian on a flank march while I
deployed my Hoplites in the center, my Gallic foot on my left and the Italians
on the right.
My opponent put his foot in a line sup next
average tugs and kept the exceptional in reserve.
I was attacker and started by passing (discarding
cards) and when my opponent moved all of his army I moved the Italians via the
rough terrain.
In round 2 I got the red card I needed for the
flank to enter and informed my opponent from which side it would be coming, He
had 1 Tug (4 bases) of exceptional foot waiting for me.
The rest of his foot had advanced a bit.
Round 3 On my far left the Romans attacked tha Gallic
foot and some Hoplites. My foot moving up as to pin his line and the Numidians coming
in, a Tug of sup Numidians came in strait for the side of the Roman line .
In round 4 The two armies came into contact,
the Numidians hit the side of the Roman line while the Sugs started taking shots
at the exceptional foot (mostly black dice). The Hoplites also charged the
front of the Romans the Numidians had hit.
Starting round 5 The Numidian & Hoplites
managed to break the Roman foot, My Gallic foot helped by some Cavalry (which
was in turn destroyed) managed to break 1 roman Tug, the Numidian skirmishers
destroyed the exceptional foot.
After the KaB test I had lost 2 Tugs and the
Romans had lost 5
After the battle and talking with my opponent
it was obvious to both of us that if he had taken some cavalry the battle would
have ended up differently.
The Numidians wrecked havoc on the Roman flanks
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