
MEG Maximus


Hi All

Had 2 great games of MEG Maximus in the weekend Second game was my Syracusan vs Later Republican Romans.

I had lots of heavy foot Hoplites some Gaul's and some Numidians while my opponent had lots of Legionaries (8 TUgs), 1 Tug of Thracians and 3 Sugs of skirmish horse archers .

I was out scouted and set up first.
We Had no terrain features on the table.

I put my Numidian ally on my left while my foot was in a line, I kept the Greek cavalry in reserve on my right just in case. My opponent put his infantry in line opposite to my foot and his horsemen on my right.

Round 1

My opponent moved his line up while he moved his skirmish horse to start taking shots at my Hoplites. I moved my Ally to his exposed flank (my left) and started shooting at him. We both had shield cover so we did not expect much from the shooting (skilled jav for me & catabrian bow for him).

Round 2

Romans continued to move up while i started falling back with my foot in the center. My opponents sides started getting exposed as I was moving my foot on my right and I was pushing his skirmish horse back.

Round 3

My shooting payed off and his first Tug of Romans on my left was gone. But his infantry was ready to charge me. I had moved my Greek horse in position and he had to stop one of his Tugs (the Thracians).

Round 4

The Romans charged in with 4 superior Tugs and some average ones. The impact was in the Romans favor but i only took some hits (nothing to bad). In the Melee that followed nothing conclusive happened. On the other parts of the field my shots took out another Tug of Romans and the Greek horse charged the loose Thracians in the open.

Round 5

My opponent lost the Thracians and was not able to break through my foot. The Greek cavalry was ready to charge his flanks while the Numidians were in position to charge the other sides flank as well.

At this point my opponent gave up.   

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