
MEG Pacto

Hi All

Another game today of MEG Pacto (Solo rules from Simon)

On the one side the Syracusan Greeks vs the Camilan Romans

The Greeks had 7 Tugs of Hoplites, 2 Tugs of Italians, 1 Tug of Spaniards, 1 Tug of cavalry superior, 1 Tug of cavalry average, 1Sug of light horse.

The Romans had 7 Tugs of heavy foot, 1Tug of Italians, 2 Tugs of average cavalry, 1 Tug of Pedites.

After PBS the terrain was set and the Romans barely out scouted the Syracusans.  

The Romans wanted to stall the opponent with their horse until the Pedites and Heavy foot destroyed the opponent foot. The Syracusan wanted to press on all fronts as they had more foot and more cavalry (better as well). The Spaniards would play a very important role in the plan.

After the first round of movement it was obvious that the Roman horse would have to fight.

The first contact came in round two and it was all over the place. The Pedites and Italians of the Romans charged first on the Italians of the Syracusans (the Romans had uphill advantage).

The Syracusan foot charged the Romans and had the Spaniards in the center of the line.

The cavalry of both sides clashed.

The Pedites take the advantage 

The charging Hoplites received some hits from the javelin of the Romans but nothing to bad and in the fighting afterwards the outcome was a draw.

The Pedites managed to make some progress on the hill.

But the Roman cavalry had taken serious damage.

The Roman cav takes hits

The third round saw one hoplite tug hit the side of the Romans while the Roman cavalry broke.

The hoplites hide the Roman side 

In the fourth round the Pedites broke the Italians in front of them and were ready to hit the side of the other Italians. In the Midle the fighting was grinding but the Syracusan cavalry was set up to charge the flank of the Romans next round.

The Cavalry hit the Roman flank

Round five saw the Pedites hit the side of the Italians, the Syracusan cavalry hit the flank of the Romans (and break them taking two more Tugs in the break test) and two units of Hoplites breaking.

The Pedites destroy the Italians

At that point the battle was 3 Tugs lost for the Syracusan and 6 Tugs lost for the Romans.

The Pedites hit the side

The Romans seeing the cavalry of the Syracusans would just keep on flank charging ordered an orderly retreat.    


MEG Pacto

Hi All

As the corona virus continues I have decided to run a Solo campaign of MEG Pacto

The Campaign will take place during the invasion of Italy By Pyrrhus (the Lion of Epirus).

I will be using the below armies for the campaign
Camillan Roman  

Various battle pics

I will have a small map of Italy and Sicily to make the relevant moves.

Various battle pics 

First Game has the Romans vs Pyrrhus

the Romans have 8 Tugs of Hv foot, 2 Tugs of Cav, 1 Tug of superior Flex foot, 1 Tug of loose foot (Italians)

Pyrrhus has 2 Tugs of Pike, 2 Tugs of Poor Pike, 1 Tug of companions, 1 Tug of Cav, 2 Tugs of loose foot (Epirote), 1 Elephant, 2 Tugs of Hoplites, 1 Sug of light cav  
The two foes 

The PBS provided a secured flank (sea) and 2 rough woods as both armies were of heavy nature both commanders wanted an open battlefield.

The Romans won the scouting and Pyrrhus deployed first.

The game started with both commanders discarding cards to make the other move first, it was Pyrrhus who moved his units first and the Romans followed.

Round 1

As both wanted to get in cc with the other it was in round 3 that the charges started.
Pyrrhus was betting on his elephant (in the middle of his line) to make an opening and on his companions in the right. The Romans had planned for the Pedites to make an opening and 8 Tugs of roman legions.

First contact 

for 1 rounds after the charge all was squared off until in Round 4 the elephant, the companions broke the opposing units. The Romans were in trouble and had no reserves available.

First gaps

the next round the elephant turned and charged a Tug from the side (2 red dice in the charge combat) the Roman foot held (barely) and in the melee that followed the Pedites and Italian foot broke both Epirotes in front of them. The elephant and Pike broke the Romans they were fighting and a Roman unit broke a hoplite unit (A blood bath).

The elephants gap 

At this point the Romans had lost 2 Tugs of cav, 4 Tugs of foot and broke.

The Elephant hits the side 

Pyrrhus had lost 2 Tugs of Epirote, 2 Tus of Hoplites

The elephant kips on going 

A very nice game and a Pyrrhic victory as the per the winner.   


MEG Pacto

Hi All

As the Corona virus persists and we are staying indoors I played another MEG Pacto game today.

Today it was Later Northern Song vs Muslim Indian Sultanates

The LNS had 9 tugs of mix foot (PA/xbow), 2 tug cav of light spear/bow, 1 tug of bow foot
The MIS had 3 tugs of mix foot (LS/bow), 3 tugs of mix foot (LS/bow/ME), 3 tug of cav (bow/ME) one of which skilled, 1 armored elephant, 1 Mamluks superior, 2 bow foot

After we rolled of the LNS were defenders and used the best cards available to have secured flack (water) on the other hand we 3 cards to 1 card the MIS got the better in the scouting and made the LNS show their cards.

In the initial set up the LNS had put the 2 cav in the center and on each side they had mix foot on the other hand the MIS put the Elephant and the Mamluk oposet the enemy cav and had mix foot on each side (the ME close to the elephant and mamluk).

The battle started with the LNS making the MIS move first (LNS: 2 talented, 2 competent all professionals vs MIS: 1 talented, 2 competent, 1 mediocre all instinctive).

after the first movement the LNS had set up as to be able to shoot all along the line while the MIS could only shoot with the foot and mamluk.

The second round started with the charge of the elephant and mamluk vs the 2 cav but they skirmished and shoot at the oncoming enemy. After the charge the two armies opened up with shooting at each other.

The third round started with a general charge from the MIS, the LNS fired with the xbows (S=Wound when receiving charge) and then the hand to hand started. The elephant had a clear advantage as did the superior mamluk the rest of the line was a coin flip with no advantage to anyone.

In the melle the elephant destroyed the cav in front of it and the mamluk was also winning, the foot on the other hand thanks to some lucky dice rolls had helped the LNS take the side on which the mamluk was.

The fourth round saw the elephant turning and fighting some LNS foot on the side as did some other units on both sides. The shooting between LNS foot and the MIS shooty cav was indecisive and as the cav was in SUG formation they did not want to charge the foot in front of them.

The fifth round was the last as the LNS broke first losing 6 units to the 6 units lost from the MIS (they needed 7 to break).

A fun battle all in all. I will not use cav vs the elephant again next time they redeploy somewhere else :)   



Hi All
As the corona virus outbreak is keeping us in house I played my first Pacto game.

Oponents were Later Northern Song vs Almoravid

set up

The LNS had 9 tugs of mix foot, 2 tugs of cav bow/short spear, 1 tug of bow

The Almoravid had 1 tug exepctional foot, 3 tug superior long spear, 4 tug short spear shield wall, 2 sug cav Jav, 1 tug cav bow, 2 tug loss foot short spear

the number of tugs and sug i got in the pacto list was the same as in Maximus but far less bases (tugs of 2 bases).

the battle started with the PBS and in the end we had one rough hill and two vineyards (hope i got the dimension correct).

end of turn 1

The two armies set up opposite one to the other.

The LNS wanted to take their time to shoot at the Almoravid and the Almoravid wanted to charge in as to get shoot as few times as possible.

end of turn 2

A foot tugs cannot fall back in Pacto the LNS would have to do what they could and then stand and fight.

First contact 

The game had some maneuvering mostly by the horse troops.

a gap in the Almoravid line

And then in turn 3 we had the Almoravid charge.

Another gap

Due to good by rolls from the LNS in the shooting as the chargers came in and in the combat in the impact phase the Almoravids lost about 5 tugs for 2 of the LNS.

At the end of combat

As both armies had a break of 6 it was called.