
MEG Pacto

Hi All

As it is Easter in Greece more Pacto for me.

I wanted to try out my Cyrenean Greeks and what a better opponent than Romans (Mid republican).

The Romans as was expected had 4 superior  Hastate, 1 superior LS, 1 superior flexible foot, some Italian and some Gallic foot, 1 tug of cav and some SuGs.

The Greeks had 3 TuGs of chariots, 7 Tugs of LS, 1 SuG and a Libyan ally with flexible foot and chariots.

9 vs 13 in TuGs

The Roman plan was for the foot to press the Greek foot and the Sugs and cav to delay the Chariots.

The Greek plan was for the foot to delay and the chariots to hit the Romans from the side.

The teren favored the Romans as a dig rough was between the foot and the chariots so a delay was expected even if the Roman Sugs did not stop the chariots.

The First turn saw the Roman Foot moving fast for the Greek foot and the Greek / Libyan Chariots speeding for the Romans.

The second turn saw some charges from the Roman Foot all along the line and a charge from the Libyan foot on the Romans.

The initial impact was brutal (3 vs 1 for the Romans as superior impact foot vs average LS is not very good). The Greek took many hits but thankfully for them they gave some back.

In the melee that followed the Greeks lost the first basis but the Romans and especially the Italian and Gallic foot were not doing good.    

The Third round saw the chariots charging the Sugs and the cav and as the Romans had nowhere to go it was bad for them.

In the melee the Italians broke first followed by a Greek foot and then the Gallic foot. In the rough the 1 Tug of Roman foot was fighting 2 Tugs of Libyans and it was giving as good as it was taking.

The fourth round saw the Romans in the rough break taking 1 Libyan with them and in the Kab test the other one lost a base (that was close for the Libyans).

The chariots killed all of the enemies (1 Tug and 2 Sugs) while another Greek foot crumbled taking the next one with it in the Kab tests.

By now the Romans had lost 5 Tugs while the Greeks had also lost 5 Tugs but the Romans broke (9 to 13).

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