
MEG Maximus


Hi All

Had a very interesting game of MEG Maximus yesterday

My Sassanid Persian vs Maurician Byzantine

Both of us were using the armies for the first time so we were a bit hesitant

My force had Elephants, Cataphracts, Dailamy, and some horse archers

Oponent had Lancers (4 TUGs), Heavy foot, Moorish Ally (cav only) and some other loose foot.

My opponent (8 PBS) put sea on one flank and some rough terrain on the other side.
I won the scouting (2 cards for me vs 5 cards for the enemy).

After the setup it was obvious my Dailamy would attack via the rough terrain while my horse archers would try to soften up the enemy for the elephants and cataphracts to attack.
In a move I did not expect my opponent put the Moorish ally in the center (1 Tug+3 Sugs of Skilled jav).

Turn 1

I started moving via the terrain while my horses only came as close as they needed to shoot at the enemy foot.
My opponent had some bad luck and his ally was unreliable. But he moved his heavy foot as to pin my elephants and cataphracts.

Turn 2

My infantry continued moving while we both maneuvered as to get in place for charges.

Turn 3

Charges started

my horse archers charged on foot unit on the side
dailamys charged the enemy foot on the rough hill, some Dailamy charged the enemy foot in the open ground.

In the melee that followed we both took some hits but the enemy units on the rough had taken more loses.

Turn 4

Lancers charged my horse archers that had engaged the enemy foot while I charged the emy foot with another unit of horse archers. My elephants charged a unit of LS/IS (not a good idea)

The enemy units on the rough broke and my dailamy continued.

Turn 5

The battle was a mess I had killed of 3 enemy units from the 5 I needed.

In the fighting in the turn I lost my elephants while my units took the last 2 enemy units needed to win.

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