
MEG Maximus


Hi All

We have started gaming slowly now and my second MEG Maximus game pitted my Later Crusader vs Late Republican Roman.

I had 22 knights (most of them superior), mix foot, tourkopolous, and some bowmen

My roman friend had only foot (4 superior, 1 exceptional, and some average)

The Romans won the PBS battle and put some woods while I out scouted them.


The set up for me was easy my foot in the center while 2 tugs of knights and 1 tug of tourkopolous per side.

The Romans put a line of foot with the superior tug to pass via the woods and the average tug against my infantry.


The Romans moved forward I used my left side to attack and moved the Tourkopolous in skirmish mod forward in the wood (they don’t get affected in the wood) while 1 tug of superior knights passed the wood and headed for the rear.


My foot got in position to start shooting (black dice if shield cover is used) as to slow the roman foot advancing.

Lucky for me out of 8 dice I got 2 hits and 2 S


The Roman center kept on coming for my foot while I fell back (I had to manage my cards in the center as the instinctive commanders do not forgive)

My left was doing its job and the knights were ready to attack a lonely average tug guarding the camp.

More black dice shooting and some hits scored


We had the first charge (my knights in the rear), while my shooting (black dice) was doing some damage.


I launched my right cav and to attack and what a battle that was, in the charge and melee that followed I lost a knight Tug and my enemy lost an average foot TUG but his exceptional infantry was left with 3 bases.

I dismounted and charged the camp (forgot my dismounted knights and used the mounted bases as proxy).

And my shooting the center finally did the job and broke 2 average tugs of Romans (I was very lucky 12+ hits scored in 36 black dice).


My opponent gave me the game at that point as he had lost 4 average tugs and I was attacking his camp. His exceptional was left with 3 base and he actually only had 4 tugs of superior foot.

I was very lucky with the shooting and my opponent had used the terrain to his advantage but he had allowed me to pass from the left and it cost him a TUG and the camp

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