
MEG Maximus


Hi All

Had another great game o MEG Maximus on Saturday

My Cerenean Greeks vs Later Macedon

My list had

1xTUG Xystophoroi, 2xTUG Chariots, 1x SUG javelin men, 7x TUG hoplites and a Libyan ally with 1x TUG chariots, 2x TUG warriors

My opponent had   

2x TUG cavalry, 1x TUG Thracian's, 2x TUG long spears, 1x SUG light horse, 2x SUG archers, 4x TUG pike

I was attacker and after the placing of terrain we kicked off.

My plan was to attack from the left (2xTug warriors, 2x Tug chariots) and from the right (1x Tug Xystophoroi,1x Tug Chariots, 1x Sug javelin men) while my Hoplites in the center kept the enemy foot occupied.

My opponents plan was to hit me with the Pikes and kill me off before I encircled him.

I started with full moves on the sides and my opponent moved his pikes to intercept my cavalry/chariots (especially on my right).

After some maneuvering from both sides I managed to charge with my Xystophorioi his Thracian's (the best I could hope for), while my Chariots hit his cavalry on the far right.

On the left the enemies skirmishing and bad cards for my ally slowed me down.

Following my charge on the Thracian's and the enemy cavalry (both of which broke after melee) my Hoplites that had engaged the opposite pikes as to protect the horse found themselves in a bad position (2v1 on the charge and 2v1 or 2v0 in the melee).

My enemy pressed in the center and I only managed to get my cavalry back as to save some of my hoplite Tugs.

In the end my opponent broke but I had lost 3 Tugs and a further 2 were in danger of braking (1 or 2 wound needed).


A very enjoyable battle and tense at the same time.     

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