
MEG Pacto


Hi All

Yesterday I had two very nice game of MEG Pacto
Second Game

My Syracusans vs Later Republican Romans

My list was comprised of 7 Tugs of Hoplites, 3 Tugs of Gallic, 1 Tug of Greek Cavalry and an Ally Numidian (1 Tug,2 Sugs)

My opponent had exceptional Legion, Superior Legions, Average Legions and 2 Tugs of Roman Cavalry

In the Second game I was out scouted.

I put all of my cavalry on my left flank, the Hoplites in the center way back, the Gallic foot was on the right .

My opponent put his 2 cavalry one per side and the foot in a line opposite to my foot .

I was attacker and moved up with my horse at full speed (double move) while the Hoplites did not move and the Galic foot moved up. My opponent move his foot forward and his horse came to protect the foot.

In round 2 My cavalry on the left came in contact with the Roman cavalry while some roman foot came to help, on the left the Gallic foot was charged by the roman cavalry.

The Roman foot kept moving up but was still away.

Round 3 I won the battle on the left only to be blocked by foot, on the right the Romans were very strong.   

In round 4 The two foot lines came into contact while I charged the foot that was blocking me on the left.

At this point I had lost 4 Tugs and my opponent 3 tugs and we had to stop (not enough time).   

We had a chat and it was obvious why the Romans lost the battle.

In this battle the Roman commander played much better. He kept the cavalry close to his foot so the foot could support them.

I am sure I would have lost if we had continued.

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